About me...


Cari Bixler, ACC

I am a coach, educator, leadership consultant and an entrepreneur. I am fueled by curiosity and my desire to support others in their pursuit of growth and development. I believe that everyone has both the capacity and the responsibility to lead. That may mean steering the ship for a large company, directing a small team, or simply engaging in self-leadership in your pursuit of a most fulfilling life.

My professional background includes non-profit leadership, juvenile and family services, college administration, curriculum development and instruction, K-12 consulting, and coaching. I hold an undergraduate degree in psychology and a Masters in Organization Development from Johns Hopkins University's Carey Business School. I'm a Co-Active Training Institute trained coach and graduate of their Co-Active Leadership program.  Additionally, I'm a certified Franklin Covey facilitator as well as a HeartMath trainer.

I have more than 15 years of experience coaching individual and groups from around the globe including leaders at all levels from companies ranging from the small start-up to the large, established, Fortune 500 company. I’ve worked with service men and women, educators, parents, athletes and other current or aspiring leaders. I work in partnership with Cornell University in their award winning enterprise leadership programs. I am also a leadership coach and facilitator with BetterManager, an established and respected leadership development company. Additionally, I am an adjunct professor at Anne Arundel Community College where I help to develop new coaches in their ICF accredited, Engagement Coach Training program.

When I'm not working you can find me volunteering at the local hockey rink as a youth hockey coach and program administrator. My teams are the Jr Black Bears (my children’s teams), The Maryland Black Bears and the Washington Capitals.